The units of work are education forum to menyalurka talents and interests and develop talent scout angoota also experience in various fields of science and technology.
The history of the formation of saka
Menggingat approximately 80% of the population live in rural Indonesia, the national scouts in 1961 suggested that the SCOUT held activities in the field with establishment of the village. Based on the decision of the Minister of Agriculture and chairman in 1966 Kwarnas issue the instructions together to form SAKA TARUNA EARTH, along with berkembangan times, then at saka-saka follow the formation of others.
Saka aerospace
Saka Aerospace is a basis for activities to improve the knowledge and practical skills in the field of aerospace in order to raise awareness to dedicate itself in national development.
The history of the formation of the aerospace saka
Beginning with the pioneering activities in aeromodelling activities in Indonesia, in 1948 by the Air Force (his first Air Force) pioneered the Aeroclub and waveguide formation of air under the auspices of the Air Force defense department that time. Aeromodelling synonymous with aerial scout scout and develop into the air and then into SCOUT SAKA DIRGANTARA since January 17, 1972.
Purpose formation aerospace saka
The objective is to memeberikan SAKA DIRGANTARA in the field of aerospace education for members of the scout movement through concrete activities, productive, inivatif, and useful both for themselves and for society and the state.
Members saka aerospace
DIRGANTARA SAKA members and consists of:
Scout level learners.
1. Prmuka Penggalang aged 14-15
2. Rover Scout age 16-21 years
3. Scout Pandega aged 22-25 years
It was only the presence of
· Leader Saka
· Instructor Saka
· Tutors Saka
Introduction bad saka aerospace
1. The jet and rocket
2. Figure coconut seeds
3. Posts saka diirgantara
to Colour
· Basic color orange
· Jet and rocket: white and yellow
· Aircraft Rocket: gray over black base color
· Posts SAKA DIRGANTARA: black
1. The shape of a pentagon: symbolize Pancasila
2. The basic color orange: shows copyright willingness and intention
3. jets and rockets: the application of advanced technology / always with the times
4. The basic color black: a broad insight into infinite space
5. coconut Shoots: symbolizes the presence of each member in the motion pramuk participate in implementing national development, especially in the field of aerospace
6. Posts SAKA DIRGANTARA: unit dedicated work in kesauan and union activities in the field of aerospace.
1. Sports aerospace
2. Knowledge of aerospace
3. aerospace Services
· Aircraft motor
· Non-motorized aircraft
· Aeromodelling
· Elevated hanging
B. KNOWLEDGE aerospace
· Air Navigation
· PLLU (Air Traffic Management)
· Meteorological
· Flight amenities
· Aerodynamics
C. SERVICES aerospace
· Engineering aircraft engine
· Communication
· Structure plane
· SAR (Search and Rescue)
Here are the images contained SKK 3 Activities of SAKA DIRGANTARA.
Aircraft parts
Part - aircraft parts:
Cockpit pilots a control and control plane
Fulsage a body or fuselage
Jet engine (jet engine) that serves as a power plant that would push the plane
Elevator serves to ascending and lowering the aircraft's nose
Function for diverting aircraft rudder right and left
Stabilizer function to keep the plane stable against the wind
Parts of aircraft wings
Wing (wing) function to membagnkitkan lift. Aircraft wing consists of the following sections:
Spoiler (9) in the form of a small plate located on the wings of the aircraft serves to reduce the lifting force plane shortly after landing.
Aileron (2.3) serves to make the twist
Flaps (4) serves to increase the lifting force when the aircraft is in a low speed
Slats (6) serves to expand the area of an aircraft wing that increases air lift
Parts Wing (Wing Aircraft)
Low Speed Aileron
High Speed Aileron
Flap track fairing
Krüger flaps
Three slotted inner flaps
Three slotted outer flaps
Spoilers Air-brakes
· Aircraft SKK Motor
SKK motorized aircraft is one sport in aerospace perlombakan in PON. This is a type of motor aircraft model aircraft consisting of a fixed wing (fixed wing) and rotary wing (rotary wing). Both exist which serves as a sport (one flying Trainner and competisi / achievement).
· Aircraft SKK Not Motorized
SKK non-motorized aircraft is also a model aircraft consisting of the type of sport (fun) and competition / achievement.
· SKK Aeromodelling
Aeromodelling is one of the activities by means of miniature aircraft (models) for the purpose of recreation, education, and sports. This is a sport aeromodelling aerospace related to the design, planning, and flight model aircraft.
· SKK Skydiving
Skydiving is one of the sport aviation, skydiving indonesi introduced in the first time in 1962 by Mladen Milicevic (MICA) a Yugoslav nationality, which at that time at school perbantukan in the command of the army in stone row. Society is the first skydiving Aves established in Bandung by ITB students (Bandung Institute of Technology) with a journalist named Trisno Yuwono on July 29, 1969, and since then the sport of skydiving continues to grow across the country. On January 17, 1972-klun skydiving club located in Indonesia as many as 62 clubs and join the parent organization of FASI.
· SKK Kite Hanging
Aerospace sport is still a lot not known orabg Indonesia, because sports are also using this parachute emerging in Indonesia in the early 70s. Constraints faced over the issue of the image and the image that this sport is an expensive sport with a high risk of accidents. Sports hang gliders are often in SEBIT with hang gliding.
· SKK Air Navigation
Nvigasi air comes from the Latin NAVIS and AGERE. Navis is defined as the ship and Agere interpreted as jobs move or run, with the navigation is generally interpreted as a science and an art to move the ship from one place to another place on earth according to plan. Of the following definition can be an understanding that knowledge is knowledge and an art naviasi about moving ship (with a variety of related effects in it) from one sea port to other ports on the face of the earth. In the flight activity of knowledge and skills to navigate for all associated with the flight, very important in determining the success of the mission of the flight itself.
ATC air traffic control (AIR TRAFFIC CONTROILLER) is a service provider of air traffic, especially aircraft to prevent the aircraft too close to each other and collide.
Meteorology is the science that studies and discuss the symptoms of climate change that took place in the atmosphere. Meteorological applications in aviation is to pay attention to weather conditions in need in aviation which includes the weather when the plane will take off / takeoff, the plane will be landing / landing, and along the flight path.
In the matter of this flight facility, will discuss the facilities that support that as a tool in the world of aviation. Examples of flight amenities adalh DME (Distance Measuring Equipment) which serves to provide guidance / information distance for aircraft with DME stations on the go.
Aerodynamics is the study of forces and motion. Here will be studied aircraft forces, which consists of TRUSHT, DRAG, and LIFT WEIGHT.
In SKK AIRCRAFT ENGINE TEKHNIK will learn about the types of aircraft engines and how it works.
Communication cost is also associated with air traffic control. Good communication will affect the safety and pilot policy in performing the task.
Here you will learn about the components / parts of the aircraft and their respective functions.
· SKK SAR (Search and Rescue)
SAR is defined as the business and humanitarian activities to seek and give help to people with activities that include:
1. Search
2. Helping
3. Save the human soul that is lost or missing in fear or danger in the face of disaster / calamity.
In the world of aviation activity carried on in the event of a plane crash. Since 1950 Indonesia has been listed as a member of ICAO (International Civil Aviation organization) and IMCO (International Maritime Consultative Organitation) are required to provide rescue or rescue in case of disaster / accident on the airline or shipping and is responsible for coordinating wilahyanya with SAR. And this time the SAR agencies Indonesia is BASARNAS.
· Air Field
In a foreign word aerodrome (a certain area, including buildings, installations, and equipment for the arrival-departure aircraft
· Platform Fly
Preformance foreign word (RUNWAY) is a rectangular area on the airfield ground for landing and flying start (take off the run) of the aircraft.
· Afron
Is a designated area that is influenced airfield to provide accommodation for the aircraft for the following purposes:
1. Increase / decrease the goods / passenger
2. Refueling
3. The aircraft parking or maintenance
· taxiway
A certain way in the airfield at designated for aircraft in action
NB: the road that is made to connect AFRON and RUNWAY, for air traffic in action.
Is a tool that shows fisual direction of landing / take off from the flight plan of the aircraft.MATERIALS SAKA DIRGANTARA 1
The units of work are education forum to menyalurka talents and interests and develop talent scout angoota also experience in various fields of science and technology.
The history of the formation of saka
Menggingat approximately 80% of the population live in rural Indonesia, the national scouts in 1961 suggested that the SCOUT held activities in the field with establishment of the village. Based on the decision of the Minister of Agriculture and chairman in 1966 Kwarnas issue the instructions together to form SAKA TARUNA EARTH, along with berkembangan times, then at saka-saka follow the formation of others.
Saka aerospace
Saka Aerospace is a basis for activities to improve the knowledge and practical skills in the field of aerospace in order to raise awareness to dedicate itself in national development.
The history of the formation of the aerospace saka
Beginning with the pioneering activities in aeromodelling activities in Indonesia, in 1948 by the Air Force (his first Air Force) pioneered the Aeroclub and waveguide formation of air under the auspices of the Air Force defense department that time. Aeromodelling synonymous with aerial scout scout and develop into the air and then into SCOUT SAKA DIRGANTARA since January 17, 1972.
Purpose formation aerospace saka
The objective is to memeberikan SAKA DIRGANTARA in the field of aerospace education for members of the scout movement through concrete activities, productive, inivatif, and useful both for themselves and for society and the state.
Members saka aerospace
DIRGANTARA SAKA members and consists of:
Scout level learners.
1. Prmuka Penggalang aged 14-15
2. Rover Scout age 16-21 years
3. Scout Pandega aged 22-25 years
It was only the presence of
· Leader Saka
· Instructor Saka
· Tutors Saka
Introduction bad saka aerospace
1. The jet and rocket
2. Figure coconut seeds
3. Posts saka diirgantara
to Colour
· Basic color orange
· Jet and rocket: white and yellow
· Aircraft Rocket: gray over black base color
· Posts SAKA DIRGANTARA: black
1. The shape of a pentagon: symbolize Pancasila
2. The basic color orange: shows copyright willingness and intention
3. jets and rockets: the application of advanced technology / always with the times
4. The basic color black: a broad insight into infinite space
5. coconut Shoots: symbolizes the presence of each member in the motion pramuk participate in implementing national development, especially in the field of aerospace
6. Posts SAKA DIRGANTARA: unit dedicated work in kesauan and union activities in the field of aerospace.
1. Sports aerospace
2. Knowledge of aerospace
3. aerospace Services
· Aircraft motor
· Non-motorized aircraft
· Aeromodelling
· Elevated hanging
B. KNOWLEDGE aerospace
· Air Navigation
· PLLU (Air Traffic Management)
· Meteorological
· Flight amenities
· Aerodynamics
C. SERVICES aerospace
· Engineering aircraft engine
· Communication
· Structure plane
· SAR (Search and Rescue)
Here are the images contained SKK 3 Activities of SAKA DIRGANTARA.
Aircraft parts
Part - aircraft parts:
Cockpit pilots a control and control plane
Fulsage a body or fuselage
Jet engine (jet engine) that serves as a power plant that would push the plane
Elevator serves to ascending and lowering the aircraft's nose
Function for diverting aircraft rudder right and left
Stabilizer function to keep the plane stable against the wind
Parts of aircraft wings
Wing (wing) function to membagnkitkan lift. Aircraft wing consists of the following sections:
Spoiler (9) in the form of a small plate located on the wings of the aircraft serves to reduce the lifting force plane shortly after landing.
Aileron (2.3) serves to make the twist
Flaps (4) serves to increase the lifting force when the aircraft is in a low speed
Slats (6) serves to expand the area of an aircraft wing that increases air lift
Parts Wing (Wing Aircraft)
Low Speed Aileron
High Speed Aileron
Flap track fairing
Krüger flaps
Three slotted inner flaps
Three slotted outer flaps
Spoilers Air-brakes
· Aircraft SKK Motor
SKK motorized aircraft is one sport in aerospace perlombakan in PON. This is a type of motor aircraft model aircraft consisting of a fixed wing (fixed wing) and rotary wing (rotary wing). Both exist which serves as a sport (one flying Trainner and competisi / achievement).
· Aircraft SKK Not Motorized
SKK non-motorized aircraft is also a model aircraft consisting of the type of sport (fun) and competition / achievement.
· SKK Aeromodelling
Aeromodelling is one of the activities by means of miniature aircraft (models) for the purpose of recreation, education, and sports. This is a sport aeromodelling aerospace related to the design, planning, and flight model aircraft.
· SKK Skydiving
Skydiving is one of the sport aviation, skydiving indonesi introduced in the first time in 1962 by Mladen Milicevic (MICA) a Yugoslav nationality, which at that time at school perbantukan in the command of the army in stone row. Society is the first skydiving Aves established in Bandung by ITB students (Bandung Institute of Technology) with a journalist named Trisno Yuwono on July 29, 1969, and since then the sport of skydiving continues to grow across the country. On January 17, 1972-klun skydiving club located in Indonesia as many as 62 clubs and join the parent organization of FASI.
· SKK Kite Hanging
Aerospace sport is still a lot not known orabg Indonesia, because sports are also using this parachute emerging in Indonesia in the early 70s. Constraints faced over the issue of the image and the image that this sport is an expensive sport with a high risk of accidents. Sports hang gliders are often in SEBIT with hang gliding.
· SKK Air Navigation
Nvigasi air comes from the Latin NAVIS and AGERE. Navis is defined as the ship and Agere interpreted as jobs move or run, with the navigation is generally interpreted as a science and an art to move the ship from one place to another place on earth according to plan. Of the following definition can be an understanding that knowledge is knowledge and an art naviasi about moving ship (with a variety of related effects in it) from one sea port to other ports on the face of the earth. In the flight activity of knowledge and skills to navigate for all associated with the flight, very important in determining the success of the mission of the flight itself.
ATC air traffic control (AIR TRAFFIC CONTROILLER) is a service provider of air traffic, especially aircraft to prevent the aircraft too close to each other and collide.
Meteorology is the science that studies and discuss the symptoms of climate change that took place in the atmosphere. Meteorological applications in aviation is to pay attention to weather conditions in need in aviation which includes the weather when the plane will take off / takeoff, the plane will be landing / landing, and along the flight path.
In the matter of this flight facility, will discuss the facilities that support that as a tool in the world of aviation. Examples of flight amenities adalh DME (Distance Measuring Equipment) which serves to provide guidance / information distance for aircraft with DME stations on the go.
Aerodynamics is the study of forces and motion. Here will be studied aircraft forces, which consists of TRUSHT, DRAG, and LIFT WEIGHT.
In SKK AIRCRAFT ENGINE TEKHNIK will learn about the types of aircraft engines and how it works.
Communication cost is also associated with air traffic control. Good communication will affect the safety and pilot policy in performing the task.
Here you will learn about the components / parts of the aircraft and their respective functions.
· SKK SAR (Search and Rescue)
SAR is defined as the business and humanitarian activities to seek and give help to people with activities that include:
1. Search
2. Helping
3. Save the human soul that is lost or missing in fear or danger in the face of disaster / calamity.
In the world of aviation activity carried on in the event of a plane crash. Since 1950 Indonesia has been listed as a member of ICAO (International Civil Aviation organization) and IMCO (International Maritime Consultative Organitation) are required to provide rescue or rescue in case of disaster / accident on the airline or shipping and is responsible for coordinating wilahyanya with SAR. And this time the SAR agencies Indonesia is BASARNAS.
· Air Field
In a foreign word aerodrome (a certain area, including buildings, installations, and equipment for the arrival-departure aircraft
· Platform Fly
Preformance foreign word (RUNWAY) is a rectangular area on the airfield ground for landing and flying start (take off the run) of the aircraft.
· Afron
Is a designated area that is influenced airfield to provide accommodation for the aircraft for the following purposes:
1. Increase / decrease the goods / passenger
2. Refueling
3. The aircraft parking or maintenance
· taxiway
A certain way in the airfield at designated for aircraft in action
NB: the road that is made to connect AFRON and RUNWAY, for air traffic in action.
Is a tool that shows fisual direction of landing / take off from the flight plan of the aircraft.
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